home of the saints
St. Thomas Aquinas High School
A Concussion is a brain injury that affects the normal function of the brain. It occurs when the brain is forcefully rocked inside the skull as a result of a blow to the head or body. It may be hard to understand concussions because they are hard to see and never look the same. It is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of a concussion, develop skills to help prevent concussions, and follow the protocols created to ensure a safe return to play.
Here at STA, we have a full-time Athletic Trainer educated in assessing and diagnosing concussions. She works with a concussion specialist to ensure each concussed student-athlete is healthy before their return to sports.
The athletic department and guidance department also work together to make sure the concussed student-athlete is receiving the proper accommodations needed in the classroom and a detailed plan on how to keep up with, and make up academic coursework.
Important Concussion Documents
STA Concussion Management Plan
Learn more about concussions
NFHS Guidelines for Management of a Concussion in Sports
NFHS Course: Concussion for Students (FREE)
NFHS Course: Concussion in Sports (FREE)
A Parent's Guide to Concussion in Sports